Outrageous Davis - Comedian aka. M. David Ricks.
Visit my Website: www.OutrageousDavis.com
You have reached the page of Outrageous Davis aka. M. David Ricks
Comedy, that's what I do.
"I have the Voice, YOU make the Choice"
Participant in the 2015 Acme Comedy Company Funniest Person Contest.
"The last time I ran this fast, I was jogging with Trayvon Martin" Outrageous Davis Aug. 7, 2015. Minneapolis, MN.
Visit me on my Website: www.OutrageousDavis.com
Contact Information:
Outrageous Davis aka: M. David Ricks
Phone: 612.867.1319
Email: epom2000@yahoo.com
Tweet: @OutrageousMN
Facebook: Outrageous Davis
Website: www.OutrageousDavis.com
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